New York: The Ongoing Saga of the “Fearless Girl” Statue
The Ongoing Saga of the “Fearless Girl” Statue Since its installation, the sculpture, by Kristen Visbal, has been mired in legal disputes and claims of “fake corporate feminism.” New York […]
The Ongoing Saga of the “Fearless Girl” Statue Since its installation, the sculpture, by Kristen Visbal, has been mired in legal disputes and claims of “fake corporate feminism.” New York […]
From Canberra, Australia: The inequality of women to be seen in public art
Stow artist celebrates local, historical women in statues for citywide female art show
S.F. still falling short of goal to represent women in public art City has few streets or public facilities not named after men
Smithsonian and Golden Triangle Expand Women’s History Initiative Into the Streets of Washington, D.C.
Time for a Reckoning: Chicago Reckons With Its Public Art Problem “As of 2018, out of 152 national monuments, only three honored women, and just one of those honored a […]
Monument across the street from Statehouse being planned by Columbia City of Women